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The first series story arc is complete!

Yes, once more, the evidence doesn't need to be presented by a scruffy-clothed detective, cracking wide open the case, that I am - in fact - blooming awful at updating this stuff! However, the news you need to hear is this.ALL SIX OF THE FIRST BOOKS ARE NOW OUT.*cues...

imPerfect Curse is out and imPerfect Fae is coming

Okay, to the surprise of ABSOLUTELY NO ONE, I am rubbish at updating my website. But - hear me out - there's a whole lot of shiny, shiny things out there to grab at my attention! But, the news is that imPerfect Curse is out on all formats - Kindle/KU, paperback and...

imPerfect Magic is now available everywhere!

The first book in the imPerfect Cathar series is now live everywhere! You can read it for free in Kindle Unlimited or buy the ebook on Amazon or you can buy it on paperback or audiobook at all good retailers! The audiobook is still cheapest to buy from me directly at...

Not one but two books up for preorder!

Both 'imPerfect Magic' (book1) and 'imPerfect Curse' (book 2) are now up for pre-order! Coming out the 8th May and 6th June respectively on paperback, audio book and ebook. You can read them for free in Kindle Unlimited! Go to the store to pre-order the ebooks now.

The free novella is here!

Reincarnating every time I get killed doesn’t help when the trap won’t let me die. Getting trapped in a psychotic fae’s twisted game isn’t my idea of a fun Friday afternoon. When one of them shows up in my territory of Toulouse uninvited, I was never going to just let...

Welcome to an imPerfect World!

The first novella from The imPerfect Cathar series - "An imPerfect Trap" - will be available shortly. Not only that, but as it's to whet your appetite for the forthcoming series, it's entirely free for you! All you need do is...

image of imperfect beginnings audiobook cover showing Paul Bonhomme, lifting off a hood, surrounded by swirling green magic